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【コスサミ2023、コスプレ】【コスサミ】コスプレサミット2023 (THE WORLD COSPLAY SUMMIT JAPAN)


※【初めて購入される方へ】FANZA同人コミックは「DMMブックスアプリ」をインストールするとスマホでも簡単に管理・閲覧 できます!詳しくはこちら→@DMMブックス公式



今回は、「【コスサミ】コスプレサミット2023 (THE WORLD COSPLAY SUMMIT JAPAN)」というコスプレ動画を紹介させていただきたいと思います!



Let's go to the WORLD COSPLAY SUMMIT 2023 ~21th with us.

Hello All, This is Gucchyon of JAPAN TRAVEL.
Thank you very much for your support and watch.

If you feel so good, could you push the Channel registration, and the highly rated button.

JAPAN TRAVEL Gucchyon with H

00:00 ダイジェスト
00:38 オープニング
00:48  撮影協力頂けたレイヤー様_1
04:30 会場の様子
06:40 撮影協力頂けたレイヤー様_2
09:58 USAから参加のレイヤー様
10:34 エンディング

World Cosplay Summit(WCS) is an event "Cosplayers" who love Japanese pop culture such as anime, manga and games gather and create new forms of international and cultural exchange.Every year, cosplayers from around the world gather in Nagoya City and Aichi Prefecture to deepen exchanges. Many companies, local governments, ministries, and overseas diplomatic establishments support WCS.
*Cosplay is the act of dressing up as a character from a manga, anime, or game.
*Cosplayers are the people who dress up as a character from manga, anime, game.

Fundamental principles of the WCS "Cosplaysummitism"

1st principle: [An ever-evolving pop culture festival]
The World Cosplay Summit is a pop culture festival centred around a world competition gathering cosplayers who love works of Japanese manga, anime or videogames, and it shall evolve adopting the changes in the times.
2nd principle: [A bridge to world peace]
The pop culture dealt with at the World Cosplay Summit is a means of communication for the entire humanity and is an important tool for the formation of personality. The World Cosplay Summit has the mission to provide a space of communication, whether physical or online, to all the people who love pop culture, and the purpose to become a bridge to world peace by fostering friendship that can overcome any borders and barriers of race, culture, language or customs.
3rd principle: [Respect to creators and contribution to cultural development]
Cosplay is a manifestation of respect and admiration towards an original work, as well as the essential human feeling of identification with that work. All the people involved in the World Cosplay Summit pay a deep respect to all creators, and wish to protect this place of expression together with them, and contributing to cultural development by doing so.

This year's venues will be centered around the Oasis 21 complex, and include the Aichi Arts Center where the championship will be held, RAYARD Hisaya-odori Park and Fularie as cosplay photo shooting areas, and Osu Shopping Street as a cosplay promenade area.
During the event, there will be people who are not familiar with cosplay or the event, as well as general visitors (e.g., people passing by and using the facilities). In each of the facilities, please refrain from disturbing general visitors and people passing by, as they will be open for business as usual.
With the exception of the event stage and event areas, please follow the rules of each facility when using them. For those participating in cosplay and photography, please also check the joint terms of participation. By participating in the event, you are agreeing to the World Cosplay Summit's terms of participation, and allow us to take the appropriate corresponding action. We ask for your understanding and cooperation so that events that everyone can enjoy can continue to be held.


World Cosplay Championship Stage Division | World Cosplay Summit 2022 ~20th Anniversary~ YOUTUBE



「コスプレチーム世界一」決める審査続く 世界コスプレサミット2日目

World Cosplay Summit 2023 DAY1 | OASIS21 ステージ

World Cosplay Championship | World Cosplay Summit 2023



今回の動画「【コスサミ】コスプレサミット2023 (THE WORLD COSPLAY SUMMIT JAPAN)」はいかがでしたでしょうか?(>∀<)ノ☆


※Twitterにて記事更新のご連絡をさせて頂いております! ⇒https://twitter.com/Cosplay_Ranking











【グラビアエロ動画】渋谷区立原宿ファッション女学院 番外編 ソロイメージ/高山れい







